Sunday, March 13, 2011

God's Angel for Autism

It was April of 1995 when we found out that Danny had an angel watching over him. My brother was 4 1/2 years old and was quite curious—curious enough as to climb on his bed, push the screen off the window, and jump out. He had fallen out of the window of our two-story house. Something detrimental could have happened…he could have fractured his arm or leg, cracked open his skull, paralyzed himself, or he could have died…not only could my brother have suffered tragically from the impact of the fall but he could have landed in the pool in the backyard. At that time, Danny did not know how to swim. The pool stayed gated so that if he walked outside he would not have been able to wander off into it. Dan the Man could have fell in the pool and drowned that day. Or once he fell, he could have climbed into the pool and drowned himself that way.
The result: A laceration to his chin that only needed a couple of stitches. My dad spotted my brother walking around the pool back and forth with blood dripping from his chin. My dad, mom, and I rushed my brother to the hospital.
Confused? I once read that children with autism have sensory trouble. The autistic child will either be extremely sensitive to pain or feel no pain at all. Dan the Man probably did not know what was happening during the time of his fall. My dad had to put the puzzle pieces together: His window wide open, the window screen in the pool, Danny on side of the pool that was gated-off, and the blood on the floor in order for him to realize what had happened. It was after that that my brother started crying when they used my blanket to put pressure on his chin for him to stop bleeding.
We are thankful that Daniel is alive today. The scar on his chin represents the distress and misunderstanding he goes through in this world…that all autistic people go through in this world…It also represents assurance that these folks are the Lord’s children. The Lord works in mysterious ways…on this very day, we learned that He is always watching over Dan the Man.


Shawna (your cousin;) said...

Steph, you are such a courageous person to speak out about Dan. I could only imagine the emotion you have gone thru and go through daily. Im sure Danny knows in his heart that he has such a strong sister and family there for him. I have fowarded your blog to some of my friends that would appreticiate your courage to increase the support of autism and your "Gift" that God has given to you.


Unknown said...

This is a great story, not great because he but great because your're able to tell it today and still have Danny in your life. We are all Gods children no matter what and he loves us the same. Im glad your willing to share your stories and show this to the world.